Protecting the football as you run

You cant run with the football until you have learned some basic ball security measures. There is nothing worse than almost getting a first down or even a touchdown and fumbling the ball, for this reason there is a great need for ball security. Basic ball security can be broken down into four steps. The claw position is the first point, meaning that you grab the football clawing at the point of the football with your fingers. Second, wrap your forearm completely around the football. Third, pull the football in close to your bicep to protect it from opponents jabs and attempts to make you fumble. Fourth, pull the football up and tight against your ribcage closing the gap on the football from all four sides. As a player, you will want to make sure that you are well practiced in this skill, and as a coach you should dedicate some time to ball carrying skills. As your ball carrying continues to improve you will insure less turnovers and greater success on the field.

Ball security: The Gauntlet Drill

There is nothing more important for offense to learn great ball security. Quarterbacks, running backs, and wide receivers should work on this skill constantly. That is why the gauntlet drill was created, to test and practice effective ball security. This drill is set up with one ball carrier, there objective is to run through a group of opponents that try to knock the ball out. A coach can set up short fast runs or longer relays with several obstacles and defenders prying at the ball. Make sure to take the drill slow at first, and to also have the ball carrier hold the ball in several differing positions.

Conditioning: Five dot jump

Conditioning is meant to increase speed, endurance, and reaction time on the football field. This drills intention is to help quickness and accuracy on the field which will reduce errors and increase the chances of great plays. The drill set up is a mat or place on the field with 5 dots about a foot away from each other forming an X shape, exactly in the same shape as you would see diamonds arranged on a number five card in a poker deck.

The athlete starts at the edge of the mat placing their feet on two of the outer dots and proceeds to jump with feet together on the center spot and then out again quickly to the outer dots similar to a simple hop scotch motion. Next the player will jump touching each dot with on leg only, and then switch using the other leg. After this, the player will touch all of the dots with both feet together. The last phase is really returning to the original starting phase of jumping together and apart, however this time the athlete will change directions after they have jumped to the outer dots. Because this drill is intended for accuracy and speed, it is recommended that players start out slow and deliberate and then speed up to their maximum time.

Strength and conditioning: Up Downs

Out of all of the football conditioning drills up downs is one of the most popular. Players will start this drill by running in place as fast as they can, keeping their knees high as possible. At the coaches signal the players will drop to the ground and do a push up, and then quickly get back up and start running again. As up downs require endurance and strength, players are encouraged to start in slow short burst and work up to longer and more intense sessions.